The Australian Men’s Shed Association recognises a Men’s Shed as a community based, non-profit, non-commercial organisation accessible to all men. The shed’s primary activity is the provision of a safe, friendly and healing environment where men are able to work on meaningful projects in good company.
The major objective of a Men’s Shed is to advance the health and well-being of members, and to encourage social inclusion.
Hawker Men’s Shed Incorporated operates in the Hawker Softball Centre, Hawker in the ACT.
We were established in October 2019 as an auspice of Softball ACT, who allow us use of their air-conditioned club house for meetings and gatherings plus their outdoor facilities.
We became incorporated in July 2023 and were registered as a charitable organisation in December 2023. We were also granted Tax Deductible Gift Recipient status in January 2024.
We have a site shed for administration purposes and small number meetings and social activities. Shipping containers house our tools, machinery and work benches.
We are in need of a new workshop and activities shed to cope with the growing repair demand and increasing membership.
The Snow Foundation has kindly assisted the Hawker Men’s Shed Inc with a $50,000 grant to assist in achieving this.
More funding is required to complete the total construction, so any financial/trade assistance will be most welcome.
Hawker Men’s Shed welcomes women as full members

Want to know how you can get involved?
Hawker Men’s Shed host a number of Repair Café and Local Made Market events throughout the year where stalls will be setup for secondhand tools and household goods as well as possum boxes and bird boxes. Orders can be taken for possum and bird boxes via email. In addition, the market will have eco-friendly handmade gifts, toys, jewellery, garden ornaments, home grown produce and more.
We look forward to welcoming you at the Shed!